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Femdot • thr(we)

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I've been championing my man Femdot for years now, but his dedication to school and furthering his education has kept his name off a lot of people's radars. Disconnected from the powerhouse that is Chicago hip hop, Femdot remained diligent in his pursuit of higher education and his passion for music. 

A little under 3 years ago, Femdot dropped his opus Femdelacreme. The project was Femdot's first real attempt at releasing a collection of music, and for those with their ear to the ground, he gained their attention and admiration with the well put together 18 track mixtape. Since then, Femdot has released a handful of much smaller projects as he prepares Femdelacreme 2, the long awaited follow up to his debut. Among those smaller projects was April's fo(u)r, and today the countdown continues with the release of thr(we).

It's clear Femdot's up to something, but the pattern behind these recently released EPs is still unknown at the moment. What we do know is that thr(we), like fo(u)r before it, is a short but satisfying experience. Each song flows effortlessly into the next with the help of some creative intermissions and a well organized track list. I often catch myself having to check if I'm still listening to the same song. The EP hardly feels like just 5 tracks. 

In one of his best effort's yet, thr(we) is just the tip of the iceberg with a monster sized roll out hiding under the surface. If you aren't familiar with Femdot yet, you're about to be. Do yourself a favor and work backwards through this 20 year old's music catalog. The music of your new friend Femdot is sure to take you on a familiar journey as he talks about life experiences of a 20 something college student living in Chicago, but the lens he looks at the world through may provide a different perspective than you're used to. 

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