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Premiere • Reggie Bonds (Ft. Supa Bwe): "Proceed w/ Love (Fuck Hate)"

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From the outside looking in, Milwaukee Wisconsin's hip hop scene has gone from nonexistent to overwhelming in just about a year. This past year we've become familiar with a handful of artists and These Days even took a trip to visit our neighbors up north and experience what they have going on. Unfortunately our visit was only the tip of the iceberg and since then we've been introduced to a number of new artists from the area, further substantiating the midwest city's right to be in the conversation.

Today we get to premiere a new record from Reggie Bonds alongside Chicago's own Supa Bwe and producer Bruus, also from the 'Go. As Reggie gears up to release his debut project From The NORF$IDE w/ Love, Reggie speaks with These Days below about his city and plans for the future, but also provides a little preview of the new album with "Proceed w/ Love". Highlighting the benefits of living a life of love as opposed to hate, Reggie wins with the positivity. 

You're from MKE, tell us about your home from your perspective.

I grew up on the northside, shit was rough man I'm a keep it real. My dad laid dead in the middle of the street, I'm blessed to be alive today a lot of homies out my neighborhood dead or in jail. It's blessing for me to do what I do today. 

Milwaukee has been making a lot more noise over the course of the last few years, what major changes have you seen and where do you feel like you fit in?

It's a dope scene a lot of talent from musicians to videographers, photographers etc I hope we continue to get the shine we deserve, and I never really cared about fitting in anything I just love doing me, being me I want to die and feel like I kept it all the way real with myself and the people who followed my music. 

This isn't your first time collaborating with an artist from Chicago. What is the connection that you feel with the artists and/or the community in our city that keeps drawing you back here?

I always loved Chicago it's rich in music and fashion culture so I always followed it since a young boy, and the artist I have collaborated with I am truly fans of their music. 

What else can we expect from you in the near future?

You can expect more music, visuals and being a ambassador for my city I just want to continue to open doors for my city and share music and creativity with people who understand our day to day struggles.

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