These Days

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Mathien • "Say"

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With each and every Mathien release, I find myself reflecting on a time when you could find this man and witness his music live in Chicago on a regular basis. Now a transplant in Knoxville, TN, Chris Mathien is still Chicagoan in our book. Mathien went on a little run a few months back, releasing some hot records like "Sheep" and "Loan", but has since been pretty quiet. Mathien's release today offers up new hope that a proper project is somewhere in the pipeline, but nothing has been offered to confirm that.

While album talk is few and far between, Mathien still has plenty to "Say" and I suggest you pay close attention to his funky folksy delivery. Ever confused as to what your relationship status was with another person? Maybe they changed their tone with you and never explained why? It's probably something you said, but who cares, do you, express yourself. Mathien did, and we've got a new record as a result! 

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