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Premiere • lasko (Feat. Jaro): "So Far Gone"

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Chicago producer lasko has made the rounds here at These Days on numerous occasions. Along with releasing songs with Malcolm London and Beach Jesus, he also dropped loose tracks in between helping out on our Tokens compilation. As he prepares to release his upcoming full-length, Float, lasko teases the project with lead single "So Far Gone" featuring fellow producer Jaro. I spoke with lasko briefly about the song, the upcoming album, and a super secret project in the works. 

What's the origin behind this track?

Jaro and I actually started this track about 2 years ago. We had the first 54 seconds done for those two years, regardless it had been a minute since we had worked on it. Just a couple months ago we decided it was time to wrap it up and give the people what they deserve. 

How would you describe it to a stranger on the street?

It's the Chipmunks meets Young Chop, but better. It's the same feeling as when Senpai notices you. 

You and Jaro have a bunch of songs together. How did that connection begin?

We met at Netherfriends's crib while he was staying in Chicago quite a few years back. We both were kind of forming our own styles at that point and that just led to us working on a lot of songs; some of which might not see the light of day for a very long time. Us meeting was just one of those "in the right place at the right time" moments.

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Is your entire upcoming project instrumental? 

Not entirely, it has no vocal features per se, but several of the songs use crappy R&B a capellas for vocals. Other than those songs, the rest are instrumentals. Not so much instrumentals even, they are songs. I think it is a lost art in many cases where the instrumental isn't able to stand on its own. 

Do you have an anticipated release date for the album?

As of now, there is no specific release date. I am still working on finalizing a premiere and all that last minute stuff.  Should be out at the end of August or early September. 

Outside of this album, what else have you been working on?

Super secret but Femdot and I got another project in the works, really excited for that to come to fruition. Also been producing several joints for Malcolm London's new project that should be out soon as well.  

Any final words/thoughts/shout outs?

This project has been a culmination of a year's work and I'm just relieved to finally get it out there. A few shout outs to Jaro, Quinn of Iris Temple, Abbey Johnson, Professor Fox, and Nicky Perelli. 

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