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Lucki • 'Freewave 2'

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Lucki has a lot of children out here. The formerly pill popping, dark side aficionado, “ay” rap progenitor, 666 loving hip-hop fiend has directly or indirectly inspired wave after wave over the years, but now we have something tsunami level ready to crash down on the Chicago rap scene. It’s Freewave 2, and it’s big. Just look at that cover art. Fucking awesome. Lucki has never lost his step over the years, never lost his eye for taking chances, and with Freewave 2 we can see that here clear as day. 

Freewave 2 goes deep, mariana trench deep. As the cover indicates, this album has an underwater vibe to it, though far removed from any palm trees, beaches or bikinis. Think the freaky deep sea anglers, maneuvering through dark water's shadows. Like the deep sea, Freewave 2's  lack of light doesn't mean lack of life. Lucki's music finds energy in the most down-tempo, spacious tracks. An artist who has always been able to find his musical center in bleakness, Freewave 2 is yet another success for Lucki in this regard . Lucki has found a new take on his old sound, without sacrificing any of what made him Lucki in the first place. Freewave 2 has arrived, take a deep breath and dive in.

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