These Days

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Max Wonders • "World Gone Crazy"

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The road to Hues To Blame has been a long one, and at times I've almost forgot Max wax still working on it. You can't rush greatness though and Max Wonders understands that, taking his time and crafting repeat worthy records. In his fourth and final single from Hues To Blame, Max and producer Tahmi sit back and reflect on a world collapsing in on itself. 

A slow build, "World Gone Crazy" becomes more appealing with every second that passes. Not sure if that was a result of intent, but I was definitely embracing the crazy by the end of the track. There's a lot of tension in the world today, but there's also people like Max talking about it. A product of this crazy world, Max Wonders has been inspired to make a project about growing up in it. "World Gone Crazy" is the final preview chapter, but hopefully Hues To Blame will follow suit shortly. 

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