These Days

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Yomí • Love Songs for the Universe

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Over the course of the past week, Chicago-based musician Yomí created an EP known as Love Songs for the Universe. Writing, recording, producing, mixing, and mastering all in a week's time? Damn. She even made the artwork. With no features (other than a duet with the rain on the second track), these seven songs are stripped down harp tracks, with Yomí swooning and swaying along to her electric instrument. As you can tell by this quick EP, Yomí is perfecting her craft and really honing in on her sound; it shows. For the seven songs, some of which are strictly instrumental, some of which are under a minute, she doesn't craft a big production. Instead, this is an intimate and tranquil EP, with hardly any drums (other than finger snaps), almost always sticking to just a harp with vocals. Without a doubt this is a nice change of pace from what we're used to running on the site. It's perfect for the next rainfall, perfect for the next smoke session with candles burning in your crib, perfect to kickstart your week on this Monday morning. 

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