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Marcus Nogood • "Blackman"

Directed by Yakub Films

Marcus Nogood returns with a brand new song and visuals after a short hiatus. Marcus prefers to stay quiet while he's working, but with the debut of his new song "Blackman" it's clear Marcus has a lot to say. Produced by Nobility, "Blackman" is a story that represents Marcus' lifestyle, sharing his experience and the experiences many other African Americans continue to face. Marcus tells me, "I range from topics about wanting to be respected as a hard working black male in today's day in age, as well as being prideful about who I am, and what I've become by embracing my appearance." 

For the visual component, Marcus linked with Jacob "Yak" Linden, who has been putting out phenomenal work as of late, to direct the video. Marcus says, "The video starts off with the "the come up" mentality as I'm wearing raggedy ripped shirt and jeans while standing on top of a stack of money. The next scenes are more of a nicer appearance due to me being celebratory over the pride in who I am as well as those around me. The scenes where I'm wearing a suit signify being ambitious and successful with my work ethic."

Check the new song and video above and stay in tune with Marcus Nogood.

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