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Premiere: Simone Bisous • "Fall In Love"

It seems like these days, the talent just pops up everywhere and all at once around Chicago. The latest performer to take a marked step outwards from her own corner of the city has been longtime friend of many of the big names in Simone Bisous who recently capitalized on a successful run up and collaborations with the release of her debut project, Bisous and a TheseDays premiere of her latest effort, a video for her single "Fall In Love" that will immediately take you back to those just-lost days of summer.

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Shot by Verluxe's Sofia Kerpan about a year ago, "Fall In Love" is an ode to summer just as it comes to a close. Somewhat reminiscent of an early Jojo visual, it follows young Simone as she meanders across a lively carnival setting. The single itself is a standout from the project that dropped at the top of the month and continues to find Bisous in an ever-expanding evolutionary path that has seen her music take on several intonations before settling into this most recent aesthetic which feels much further realized than it has at any point previously. Having worked for awhile in the scene to discover what precisely her sound and style were, it seems as though Simone is figuring it out with marked confidence. We caught up with her earlier this week to chat about the reception of her first full-length album, the experiences that brought it to life and what it all means for the future which you can check out below, with the video itself streaming up top.

TheseDays • What was it like getting your first project out, going through the process and whatnot?

Simone • It was definitely difficult to put out, there were like so many obstacles and so many little technical problems that happened. It actually went on iTunes and a song was the wrong file and then I had to take it down and put it back up. So if you had bought it already, it wasn't necessarily looking right on your iPhone and some of the songs wouldn't play because we had to switch it so that was just an fuckin' annoying glitch that I wish didn't happen but now I know how to prevent that. As far as the reception, I've been getting a lot of good feedback, I feel like like it's something I've been getting feedback from people my age as well as older people. A lot of older people like the softer music and it's not something I necessarily anticipated.

TheseDays • Sounds like it was quite a learning process for you getting this first one out, what was the biggest lesson you learned.

Simone • The biggest lesson I learned is that you need a lot of preparation and you need a little more of a team than just yourself. And even if you're reaching out to people, there's just so much that goes into it that the only way to get bigger is to have a team around you that can help push it far, further than you can push it. You have to give your trust to people and put it in their hands so they can push it for you, sometimes though its hard to trust people that they'll do what is needed or like that they'll be able to do it. It's also been hard to work not with my successful rapper friends and not work with artists that are hugely successful. I did this project with two features who, one is Taylor but one is not necessarily well known and so to put myself, its just mainly me and its me speaking French on different songs which is different, the project is different, I'm different. So putting that project out and it not having Joey Purp rapping on it or Chance rapping on it is different than what other up and coming artists in my position would do. I kind of felt that my friends that are successful as artists wanted to see me doing something on my own before they would help me. Instead of being down about that I got excited about that and did that shit and did that shit well and I feel like it came out well and I feel like I got a lot of respect because I did that.

TheseDays • Do you feel as thoughtyou're more prepared for the next one because of this?

Simone • Yeah like for instance I wanted Bisous to have a short-film aspect and all of the videos work into that idea but that didn't happen just because of timing one, money two, three I'm going to go back to timing because I really wanted certain people to do certain things and they just didn't have the time yet I needed to put this out there because I needed to show people I had music. i just kept waiting and pushing it back and pushing it back and I felt like it was holding me back. So I think that this kind of got it out of the way and people are willing to fuck with me a little more.

TheseDays • So what can we all get excited about moving forward?

Simone • There's a short film dropping for "Come See Me" that will come out soon and then I'll have two more videos: "Reasons" and "No More Games" so like that in itself is a lot of visuals. For the next project I want most of it to be like, it's more than a short film rather than different music videos, so it might be shorter just because of that. It feels so fucking good to have this one out and I feel like not only did I prove things to other people. I think moreso I proved it to myself, it just feels good, it feels like all I need to do now is perform and show people I can perform, nobody has even really seen my dance moves other than those who were at my headlining show in July and I've only done one show since so performing is just gonna be great because I've been waiting to just get a good performance down. I'm just looking forward to taking this a little further.

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