These Days

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Qari • "Latrell Sprewell Freestyle"

Directed by Yakub

Since its release last week, Qari and Mulatto's Space Jam EP has been on repeat and they continue to remind people to take another listen each time they drop follow up content like today's new video. Ahead of the release Qari shot two videos with director LONEWOLF for "Motions" and "Money Bitch". Today, Yak is back in the driver seat and uses the Music Garage on Chicago's near west side as the backdrop to the "Latrell Sprewell Freestyle", the EP's intro track.

Jumping head first into Space Jam, neither Qari nor Mulatto waste time warming up or easing into the project. Fiercely attacking this two minute opener, this duo use the visuals to kick back and chill. A day in the life, Qari can be seen in his natural habitat, the studio. With simple performance shots, some smoke and clean edits, Yakub sure knows how to make familiar settings still look interesting. This isn't the first time these three have collaborated and I'm sure it won't be the last. I know we've already been spoiled with more visuals than we normally see from Qari on any given project, but they've been so good I can't help but want more. 

See this gallery in the original post