These Days

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Logan Cage • "Trust Me"

Directed By Cole Bennett

It's a new year and a clean slate for our friend Logan Cage. Dropping several EPs in 2016, Logan has stayed busy but it's his long awaited follow up to 1636 that his dedicated fans have been waiting on. All of Logan's releases are great listens, but this past year is just training for the prize fight. Logan kicks off the new year right with a new single and video with director Cole Bennett. Cole has garnered a lot of attention as of late via his close relationships and work with Famous Dex, and other buzzing newcomers. Logan's partnership with the hot director is a move in the right direction, highlighting both creative's artistry very well in the video for "Trust Me".

While based on prior conversations with Logan about his music, I don't think this new single is a preview of that long awaited full length project, but it is a promising look into things to come from the south side native. Trust Logan when he's got something to say, he won't steer you wrong, and with Flight on the beat you'd be a fool not to take a listen.

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