These Days

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Femdot • "Soul."

Directed by Zachary Gregory

Femdot continues his climb as one of Chicago’s premier wordsmiths. The up-and-coming rapper has built a name for himself with a commitment to working at the highest standard possible, always blessing fans with songs that are equally insightful as they are entertaining. “Soul” is his new song, an exploration of all the people he’s been on the path to today. Everybody changes, everybody feels good somedays and bad others, and Femdot is here to tell you that’s okay. It’s the process called growth, the changes in our soul, that make us who we are. As usual, Femdot music goes deep, and by the time the song comes to a close with production mirroring a beating heart, it’s safe to say we’ve learned a little about Femdot and maybe reflected on life in general.

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