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WebsterX • "Intuition"

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MKE neighbor and These Days favorite WebsterX has dropped "Intuition", a massive second release from his first full project with Chicago based label Closed Sessions. Having paired up again with Brooklyn producer Simon Sez, "Intuition" is a raw expression of how WebsterX takes on the pressures of life leading into the biggest album of his career. While it remains optimistic and ultimately feels encouraging, Simon’s instrumental creates a dark landscape for WebsterX to give us some very real perspective on his life right now. It’s versatile.

It’s hard but also vulnerable. "Intuition" feels frustrated & honest, but uplifting at the same time. That ridiculous duality is reflective of a man who is on the verge of a potential breakout and filled with crazy excitement & anticipation. It won’t be too much longer until we have the full length project, Daymares, which is scheduled for release on the March 24th. Until then, check out "Blue Streak", the album's first release and keep Webster’s newest release, "Intuition", on repeat.

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