These Days

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Kweku Collins • "International Business Trip"

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Closing out February, Kweku Collins arrives with new music.  Pouring the art of juggling life’s successes and social expectations over a cohesive helping of sound, "International Business Trip" is a track sure to heat up Chicagoland in spite of recent forecasts. Following my first listen, I found myself gripped in a trance, rocking, to a warm yet bright melody, a familiar mode of communication I’ve come to love from the Closed Sessions' artist.  

Floating onward, Collins jumps in the fray with a casual toned delivery.  Dribbling through evolving harmonies, Kweku utilizes the beat as a psychedelic canvas to which he illustrates his current state of mind, a headspace much unlike he knew previously, stating “ I’m just a twenty something, thinking bout’ my early years, thinking how two years ago I couldn’t buy a twenty sack.”  Giving us a glimpse at his financial accomplishments "International Business Trip" is a testament to inspirational flex music serving up nothing but good vibes for all to engage in.  

Gearing up for a show at The Metro with the rest of his Closed Sessions family, Kweku Collins is in a prime position to express these sentiments in person March 24th.  Ending Black History Month in a springily fashion, I can only imagine the Evanston native has big moves in store for 2017.

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