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WebsterX • Daymares

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We've been waiting on this one for a minute. Milwaukee product WebsterX got us excited last year when his signing to local record label Closed Sessions was announced and today we finally get a peek into what the team has been cooking up for their latest addition in the for of his label debut, the fifteen-track, Daymares that hit the public Thursday.

The project comes just ahead of Friday night's 'Closed Sessions Live' at The Metro which puts the full roster on display for the first time since they played the Virgin over the summer. This time around, things are expected to be considerably larger and appropriately so for a group of artists that has taken consistent steps forward over the last couple of years. In Daymares , the excitement gets ratcheted up a bit more on this release which sees labelmates Odd Couple and Boathouse pop up in the credits alongside Q The Sun and others. Easily one of the most exciting live performances you can catch in rising hip-hop today, Webster continues to prove with this collection that he's going to be someone to pay attention to for some time. For now though? Get to know dude a bit deeper as he unloads some of his thoughts, feelings and anxieties in his first Chicago-based offering. Speaking to the Fader, who premiered the project, Webster expanded on that a bit.

"Daymares is an accumulation of my life from years 2013-2017, the whole road of this WebsterX thing, A rollercoaster of ups and downs that got me to this point, the insane experiences I've been able to be a part of with my friends by pursuing art, and my rise in my home city of Milwaukee, WI and beyond.”

If you want to own the project and get it off the streams, feel free to pick it up on iTunes here.

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