These Days

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Roy French • "222 T'd"

Directed by Born Ready Films

Roy French jumped on the week with his craziest video to date, collaborating with the culture comedy specialists Born Ready Films, Roy and Drip Gang make a fan’s wish come true in "222 T’d". I knew this video was going to be wild just based on the people involved, but what I didn’t know was how much fun it’d be watching them execute such a unique concept. The video opens with a Snapchat like compilation from Roy French’s biggest fan, “Monstacholi.” During his day, Monstacholi digs into the Roy French handbook, pulling out fat blunts and quadruple cups of lean. After a day of an intense turn up formula, French and the Drip Gang collective invite Monstacholi on stage to perform his favorite song.

It’s easy to shoot a video for a dope song. With enough footage and like minded people, the song practically films itself. I haven’t seen a video with comedic value like this from an independently funded rapper yet, especially not Chicago.  Roy always goes the extra mile to make exciting visuals for his work. As French tells These Days, to be on the lookout for his highly anticipated mixtape “Vroom” to surface around April, a collection of style sure to keep the party going. 

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