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Roy French • "Off The Map"

Directed by Roy French // Shot by Rory Ripa

Twenty-five days after it’s release, the Forsai-produced single “Off The Map” returns to the spotlight this week in visual form. Shot by Chicago cinematographer Rory Ripa, “Off The Map” provides a glimpse into Roy French’s latent yet captivating eye for videography. Just like clothing, music, and art, film is another medium of creativity Roy has showed a penchant for since his debut in 2011. Take a look back at “SktSktSkt” and “Hell Boy,” Roy has a history of having a hand in editing his videos before, but with “Off The Map” we get to see a more directly-realized visual from French’s perspective in the director’s chair.

I typically enjoy watching Roy’s videos much like I did this one no matter what direction they take. This new track for one of his most heartfelt songs I’ve heard thus far, strikes a different tone. In contrast to his previous song and visual “222T’D” French really hits close to home with “Off The Map.” Unlike the usual upbeat light hearted feel good tracks we’ve come to know and love, Off The Map is a sharp, somewhat morosely hopeful look at what it means to be underrated as an artist. He speaks about the competition and what it’s like dealing with social expectations as an artist, “And I could give a f*** about anybody doing the same thing that I’m doing yeah n**** I’m sorry,”  I like the candidacy, it especially suits him well behind the lens. I hope to see more of this cohesive volley between music and film from the Englewood native in the future.

Alongside the release is the unveiling of French’s new Vroom Sports website which will arrive with his upcoming Vroom mixtape to be released this month. 

See this gallery in the original post