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Dee Lilly • "Crickets Night"

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In celebration of his date of birth, Washington native and Chicago resident Dee Lilly gives us new music. The new track titled “Crickets Night” marks Lilly’s seventh release this year. Go back and listen to the rest when you get the chance. The Fȇte Records released “Impressions” featuring Xone White, as well as his Migos influenced edit/remix “U Boujee” are among my favorite Lilly tracks thus far. 

If you’re familiar with his exploits, you’re well aware of Daryn Alexus’ project WildFlower which entirely produced by Dee Lilly. What I find different with these new releases are mostly in the melodies. For producers working with vocalists, it’s best to leave room for their voice: production without overbearing instruments and melodies. Beats like this allow the singer to create a leading melody without difficulty. Afterwards more instrumentation can be added for harmony. We get a chance to see Lilly’s melodic interpretation in these recent singles. Unlike the glitchy polyphonics in “Turtle Bay”, the new instrumental is a smooth expedition. As he delivers flurries of key strikes, ineffectual sound effects pluck away at your eardrums. Although I haven’t seen exactly what’s to come of the producer, look out for work with Kris Rey and Jeremy Mathews. 

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