These Days

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UG Vavy • "Bussin"

Directed by Eli / Visual Index Films / Mr. Ripper

The charismatic UG Vavy released his latest music video for "Bussin" in part of what seems to be a roundup of new video content covering his successful crop of singles from the last twelve months. The video is bizarre and dark while also being triumphant and funny, lying in the pocket of where UG seems to work. In the one sense, he is full of bravado and intimidating and in another sense, he is self-deprecating and humorous. This video hits on this vein, featuring masked people carrying tire irons and popping wheelies on ATVs while showing UG’s beaming smile and celebratory dancing with his boys. It’s short and sweet, showing the strength of UGs singles and adding another layer to what is sure to be a great 2017 for the fresh face.

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