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Bleach Party • NOLA

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Chicago band, Bleach Party is coming off of the release of their new project NOLA which debuted on November 8th. Headed by lead singer Meg MacDuff, Bleach Party’s new release gives us a fresh, surf-rock feel. Featuring fast paced drum sets with smooth, in your face guitar riffs, this album from start to finish makes you want to be front row at a rock concert. NOLA, their first full length album dropped on the 8th, with a celebration at the local Empty Bottle that night gave fans what they have been waiting for. This project features tons of intensely full songs, starting off with “Others Luggage” all the way to the end with “Let the Good Times Roll”. You can sense the enjoyment in their music, doing it since 2014, this album will provide all of the good times for celebrations to come. Bleach Party brings you back to simpler times, definitely a rock band with a vibrant vibe. This entertaining and upbeat band continues to carry on their funk in their recent release, and will definitely be on peoples radar for more to come.

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