These Days

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Qari • "Ready for a War"



Featuring an erie and calculated flow, Qari gives us a new piece he has been working on, “Ready For a War”. As no surprise the new track finds production from none other than Mulatto Beats. Together as ⅔ of Hurt Everybody, the Qari and Mulatto connection have been staples in the Chicago music scene for quite some time now. The video, directed by YAK features the unique fundamental styles that Qari and Mulatto continue to carry with them. This track, lead by Qari’s strong, in depth lyricism, comes in heavy with rhymes very true to the work we have seen in past singles like Vacations, Potpourri, and projects like Space Jam. Continuing with wordplay, and creating imagery listeners can't get enough of with lines like; “it’s fine art, carhartt, jansport to transport, the spot hot, the car parked...” The new release features strong, unorthodox, concepts that may take listeners and viewers a couple of times to unravel. Interweaving heavy implementations of kicks and bass, Mulatto’s soundscape gives Qari a fresh canvas to play with as the beats pile on. With every drop, Qari’s various forms of wordplay continue to implement him into one of the greats, not only within Chicago but all across the nation.

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