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Martin $ky • "Mind The Process"

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Chicago Producer Martin $ky returns with his electrifying instrumental “Mind the Process”. Unlike his previous weekly drops involving collaborations from producers around the country, he decides to take this new track solo. On “Mind the Process”, the fading backdrop combines with powerful percussion to give the audience a composed introduction. Once his classic “Shoutout Martin $ky” tagline is summoned, the track’s energy begins to rise with luminary chords carving through the harmonies. The use of several different melodies allows for unexpected beat switches throughout the song, an experience Martin capitalizes on with dreamlike panning and side chains that make the beat jump between the earphones. Listening closely, it becomes more evident how masterfully $ky’s frequencies are structured as well, allowing the individual layers of sound to stand out amongst each other. Closing out the song, $ky breaks down the track, slowing down the tempo with a delicate, bubbly chord. As his production fades, ears are left with brisk, static-like vibrations. Martin $ky’s final single will drop on December 8th, and after that he will be working solely on a new EP.

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