These Days

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Kahrion • "Space Ghost"



Just before the new year, Chicago’s Kahrion squeezed in one more release in 2018 with a video for his latest track “Space Ghost,” the first single released from the artist’s forthcoming album. The rapper has re-rooted in Chicago after a brief residency in New York for school, during which time his long-time collaborator, producer Von Vuai uprooted to Atlanta. With some East coast immersion under his belt, and more producers in the sea, the 22-year-old Kahrion is not slowing his momentum.

“Space Ghost” is an intimate and straightforward roll; a tipsy low-angle camera stays close to Kahrion rapping in front of neon-lit graffiti, outside under the train tracks, and a few moments of arcade games. The video is dark, unpretentious and a little dreamy. It feels like running into Kahrion at Emporium one blurry night. Cangelosi on the beat makes use of silence as much as noise; the samples are sparse, the vibes are resonant, the intermittent bass hits thud fat. Look out for more singles and an album from Kahrion this year.

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