These Days

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Queen Key • “Can't Take It”

Can’t Take It

Shot by Voice2Hard

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Queen Key’s songs walk a fine line between relatable and aspirational. The rising emcee feels like that one friend you always want to pop out with because she’s knows how to hype you up. She might get you in a little bit of trouble, but you won’t regret it. She’s also scintillating and raps about her regal presence, smoking the biggest blunts and having great sex.

“Can’t Take It” is the latest preview off the hotly anticipated Eat My Pussy Again and a no-frills, all-bars record highlighting once again Key’s brash honesty. The single’s cool-hued video unfolds during a late-night stay in L.A. and it captures her galvanizing personality. You’ll probably end up playing this one on the way to and from the function, yelling out “Queen shit, bitch!”

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