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Supa Bwe (ft. Rexx Life Raj) • "Time for Me"

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Time for Me

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With his next project in tow, Supa Bwe has unleashed the newest single off the Just Say Thank You EP. “Time For Me” is a taut, slow-jam meant for dimmed bedroom intimacies but it certainly wouldn't be misplaced in a late 2000s juke party either. Featuring Berkeley, CA’s Rexx Life Raj and a crooning hook fueled by his infatuation towards a girl who constantly deals with dudes wasting her time, it’s evident Supa is flexing his versatility once more with a new direction.

“Entropy,” an earlier preview of the EP, also shared a similar simmering vibe, foretelling Just Say Thank You’s sound. Nonetheless, Supa has never been an artist to fixate on a style for too long or even on a single body of work so I’m still expecting a couple of surprises. With a track list that includes a Chance The Rapper feature, the two aforementioned records and a song titled “Boom Boom Boom,” I can’t help but be excited about its April 10th release date. Until then, I’ll keep this joint on replay.

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