These Days

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Directed by New Trash

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Mother Nature recently dropped another visual, this time to their new single “SIMPLE,” produced by #ThaGr8Thinkaz and directed by New Trash, the video speaks to what this group is about; having fun, spontaneity, and creating something special with those closest around them. Draped in a refreshing retro aesthetic complete with a ton of color contrasts and sharp editing, the duo use “SIMPLE” to celebrate with the little ones, and there’s no question that they had a blast on set. The same lighthearted nature carries over from the song as well. Combing their deliveries between Ounce’s harp-like chords and chatty hi-hats, the Chicago tandem thrives over the bouncy production. With “SIMPLE” as the lead off single It’s exciting to know their new project’s on the horizon.

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