These Days

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Musa Reems • "Quietus"


Directed by Patrick Abella

Follow Musa Reems: Twitter | Instagram

“A wise man never wishes to rewind time, it’s all or nothing . . .”

In 2018, West Side emcee, Musa Reems dropped Gamma Quietus, a thirteen track EP that was the artist’s first full length solo project. On Monday, he released its first visual, a new video for one of the songs, “Quietus,” directed by local cinematographer Patrick Abella.

Like all of Musa’s work, Gamma Quietus was lyrically driven. On the project, the artist chose to focus, first and foremost, on delivering authentic bars instead of merely coasting by, lazily, on a few well produced beats. Gritty authenticity and uncompromising lyricism are key to Musa’s brand. The “Quietus” video seems centered around those very same principles. Abella’s direction takes Musa, and the viewer, on a journey through Chicago after dark. We follow the artist down a series of dark alleyways and neon lit streets as he spits bar after bar. The video is grainy and fluid, rolling seamlessly from one scene to another, perfectly augmenting Musa’s rhymes and complimenting the tone.

The Quietus video follows the release of last month’s, “Godspeed” and “TYPE SH!T”  - two fire tracks that set the artist on a strong course for the new year. It seems Musa doesn’t plan on slowing down or taking any breaks. Later this month, fans can catch him performing in Austin, Texas at SXSW. Hopefully, he’ll return from down South with even more new content in tow, visual and otherwise.

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