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Equator Club • "DISMYSHHH" & "ITSAPARTY"

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Chicago dance-floor favorite Equator Club has kept feet shuffling and heads bobbing all summer, and it seems there's no intention of slowing down as the leaves begin to fall. Giving the fans even more to listen to, the DJ and producer has widened his consistent stream of quality music with the release of his new XXXTRAS page. Equator Club creates an unofficial new track for every live show he does, bringing something fresh to each of his raucous live performances, but in the past almost none of these songs would see the light of day, not intended for release.  That'll be changing, and is where the XXXTRAS page comes in. It's not clear how many of these songs he'll be releasing unofficially, but it’s undeniably a good thing; think of it as a very funky island of misfit toys. 

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We’re catching up with two tracks, “DISMYISHHH” and “ITSAPARTY”. “DISMYISHHH” is club music with a hint of trap, a booming hip-shaker with just the right amount of crunch. Very much made for late nights and dark rooms, “DISMYSHHH” will be great for getting any crowd moving. I’m very much partial to “ITSAPARTY”, however (which you can find to the right) , a remix of the 2010/2011 staple and house party rocket fuel “Grove St. Party”. Yes, everybody loves that song, but Equator Club really stepped up to the plate and gave the track his own unique flavor. Moving quickly before dropping into some serious half-time, it needs to be heard. As always, Equator Club's high flying percussion is the star of the show, but in this case you get some wild sub and that killer Kebo Gotti verse as well. It got him a look from Skrillex's new media site NestHQ, too. Trust.  

Finally, make sure you check out Them Flavors "Side B" of their "Ceasefire World Compilation". It's shorter than the last one, but no less in tune with the very hottest dance music coming out right now, and as is the case with Side A, all donations to the project will go to the Ceasefire branch of Cure Violence. Find our write - up of Side A here.

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