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Lex Allen (Ft. WebsterX) • "Cream and Sugar"

Directed by Cody LaPlant

Milwaukee's collective New Age Narcissism (NAN) continues to expand, evolve, progress. Stretching the boundaries of hip-hop and Midwestern styles, the crew strips away any expectations or barriers and creates a lane entirely their own.

Most recently, member Lex Allen delivered with the music video for the song "Cream and Sugar". Sounding like something out of a Janelle Monae daydream, the funky track comes produced by NAN member Q the Sun, who fully produced the Kid X EP with WebsterX. Web also makes an appearance on this track, bubbling out of the sea and dripping blood. 

Half classy Vogue photo shoot, half avant-garde gothic showdown, this video is more abstract than what you might expect when you hear "Milwaukee rap song". Hell, this isn't even rap. This is funk, this is soul, this is a powerful vision that looks to the future with creativity and originality. Yes, all of these artists are outside of Chicago, but the video and the artists involved are worthy of being included in the world of TheseDays. Salute. 

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