Respect The Neighbors • Liv Dawson

Age: 17 Hometown: Surrey, UK Follow: Twitter // Facebook

England has developed an excellent roster of soul singers over the past decade. Names like Adele, Amy Winehouse, Sam Smith and more have taken their sound and found a huge response in the pop music landscape. New on the scene she may be, but Liv Dawson could be the next addition to that very impressive list. The British singer was unseen to the public eye until last week but is making a huge initial impression, and at 17 she’s got a massive voice. Needless to say we’re excited to see where she goes with this current new-found success. 

The excitement of her arrival party can be attributed to her notable, eye-opening new track “Tapestry”, released May 19th. The song takes the incredible vocals of Liv Dawson and puts them over gripping production, a stage for her impressive display of song-writing.. More or less coming out of nowhere, the song has found surprising success on Spotify, rising quickly to the top of the charts. With it's depth and accessibility, "Tapestry" is just the kind of track with potential to a be contender in the always competitive summer song sweepstakes. England has a stereotype of churning out next-big-things at somewhat high turnover rates, but the voice that Liv Dawson exhibits on "Tapestry" suggests that she isn't your average singer by any means.

“Tapestry” has gained attention for a reason. It's a song about the people who leave lasting impressions, and the track does exactly that. Liv Dawson is able to pack a towering voice into every corner of a song that’s burning with subdued energy, her singing absolutely being "Tapestry's" strongest aspect. But as importantly, behind her is an amazing structure and production, multi-instrumental and matching Dawson's subtlety with swoons of bass and tiny clips of piano and guitar peeking in. To put it simply, she sounds like a vet, and given what we've seen it's fair to say that she's only getting started.