Home Team • UG Vavy

Age: 23  Neighborhood: South Suburbs  Follow: Twitter / Soundcloud

Vavy! Some artists plant the listeners’ feet on the pavement, reaching for common ground and familiar territory. The human level of relatability is where the connections are made. There are other artists who strike through the speakers as explorers, finding a lane we didn't know was there and scooping up fresh keys to a new sound. UG Vavy flies into the second category before conquering the first, a unique voice in a city of unique voices, someone who you can hear once and recognize as being the one and only. While he's been doing this for a while, as an artist only in the infancy of his career as a solo artist consistently releasing music, this is a fantastic position to be in.

Pronounced Yoo-Jee Vavy, the letters separate as Vavy has worked to separate himself. The artist keeps a low profile, and you’ll find very little about him online other than a handful of tracks and a social media presence. Dive into his music and you’ll find an artist who stands out. With elements of R&B, rap, electronic music and more, his tracks have a sci-fi tinge, spacey with vocals that are metallic sleek and hooks that beam in from miles away. His voice twists multitudes of emotion into each line, conveying sorrow with one word and joy with the next. These various vibes almost make his creations a paradox; sleek, shiny, but with a raw emotive punch that gives each line that much more power.  A producer as well as possessing the golden pipes, his beat-making is just as responsible for contributing to his unique style. With elements of trap, west - coast 90's, and dance, UG Vavy's work on both ends has allowed him to cultivate an aesthetic that is distinctly his. Putting his own touch on the new school, Vavy creates beats that march forward with slow, inevitable momentum, bumping with subtlety. Add just a pinch of UG Vavy’s singing and you’ve got an instant underground hit.

While his tunes and style may give the impression of a sudden emergence, busting out of the earth War Of The Worlds style, UG Vavy has been quietly making moves for years now. He first performed and created with a Chicago outfit known as the BRKF$T CLUB, also known as 2008ighties, which included members such as Calez, DJ Oreo, LEGIT, and more. A lot has changed since then, and while the BRKF$T CLUB never found serious commercial success on a group basis, it clearly acted as a strong and sturdy square one for the various members to begin discovering their own unique perspectives as artists. Since then, he's pursued the solo route, but exciting recent news shows that Vavy is gravitating back towards teamwork once again. 

The new collaboration is titled Fight Me,  and may be just the spark necessary for UG Vavy to get his name ringing. Building a partnership with the recently solo Supa Bwe (both artists managed by These Days Editor Westley Parker) and producer Shepard Hues, Fight Me is a team you should be aching to jump in the ring with. Entering stage with a combo of Supa's high flying ball-of-energy status, one of Chicago's most exciting new singers in UG Vavy, and Shepard Hues behind-the-boards prowess, Fight Me is sure to be a fantastic live show and needs-to-be-heard meeting of the minds. Supa is a capable singer as well, and we should all look forward to seeing the musical synergy between Fight Me's two frontmen. Whatever happens to the group, know that UG Vavy will continue to make music his own way, the only way he knows how.