Drop Pin • Michael Salisbury

For our latest Drop Pin we're happy to introduce you to a great friend of the site and recently named These Days creative director Michael Salisbury. You may be familiar with Michael's amazing photography work as thousands follow him daily on Instagram to get a peek at his plethora of stunning architectural shots, but even if you think you're not familiar, if you're a fan of These Days you've definitely been exposed to Michael's skill behind the lens. In addition to using his breathtaking photos of Chicago regularly in and around the site, he's also been the man behind many of our cover shoots including KAMI, Towkio, Saba and others. Look forward to more consistent These Days/Michael Salisbury collaborations throughout the year, but first take note of some of his favorite places to work on his craft throughout Chicago below.

Keep up with Michael: Twitter // Instagram


Rain Studio 

For photographers just starting out, finding studio spaces in Chicago can be an overwhelming task.  I recently shot at Zoe Rain's studio for the last TheseDays cover story, and was extremely impressed with the space. The studio is very large giving you enough space for whatever project you're shooting. Zoe also has everything you need from seamless paper to top of the line Profoto lights for rates that are very competitive. The studio even has a dog named Abby who's super friendly and makes a great assistant. Dogs in the studio are always a win/win for me.


Hard Rock Hotel

One of my favorite spots in the city is on top of the Hard Rock Hotel. Recently, there have been tours with small groups that are allowed access to the roof to capture incredible views of the city. Hard Rock Hotel is inside the Carbide & Carbon Building, making the trip a rare opportunity to see inside one of Chicago's oldest skyscrapers. A lot of the cityscape photos you see on this site are shot from that building.


Dodd Camera

For camera gear in Chicago, Dodd camera has always hooked it up. They have a great selection of equipment to rent in a pinch, or to buy if you need it long term. The staff there is super friendly and extremely knowledgeable in a non intimidating way, answering questions from people of all skill levels.