50 Best Songs of 2018

The 50 Best Songs of the Year. It feels a little ridiculous to say, doesn’t it? Full disclosure - not one of us listened to every song that came out this year, nor did we listen to every song that came out within our Chicago-centered scope. Of course we didn’t. To try to choose the true 50 best is a naive task, it’s just this sort of language is what makes sense online in the context of the year-end list. So the title is “50 Best Songs of the Year” - but what the following playlist really delivers, we humbly suggest, is something more akin to a musical yearbook of 2018. 50 tracks, from 50 different artists, meant to (in total) provide a snapshot of the year.

This is mostly a collection of 50 songs that we feel are requisite to understanding where Chicago was musically in 2018 for artists of all genres and sizes - whether they had 21 listeners or 2.1 million. So yes, we hope you see your favorite song on here. But we hope you find your new favorite, too.

Listen now on Spotify and Apple Music.