Mick Jenkins • "Get Up Get Down"

Directed By Nathan R. Smith x Sebastian Sdaigui

Today marks the day that Chicago's Mick Jenkins released his first retail release Wave(s). The project has been available for free stream via NPR since last week, but I hope you take some time to drink more water and purchase Wave[s] on iTunes today. In addition to the EP, Mick released one of the videos planned to accompany the Stefan Ponce and THEMpeople produced "Get Up Get Down". Like all of Mick's visuals, his latest is innovative and different than what is typically seen from hip-hop artists. For example, the video features no rapping in front of a camera. In fact, Mick doesn't even make an appearance at all (just like in "Jazz"). Instead, the visuals showcase young and talented dancers vibing to Mick's (quite possibly) highest energy track to date.