Psalm One • P.O.L.Y.

I've been saying all year that 2015 is the year of the woman in Chicago and it's only fitting that one of the most consistent voices from the city (male or female) should drop a project in the midst of this local feminine wave. Following up last year's HugLife project, Rhymesayers affiliate Psalm One aka Hologram Kizzie delivers a fully-functional follow-up that might just be her best work to date. Working alongside frequent collaborators and close comrades The Rapper Chicks, the ten song release is one that just might break through to fans that Psalm may have had trouble reigning in with earlier projects.

Having had a chance to listen to parts of this album for a couple of weeks, the opening track "Secrets" has already racked up dozens of plays on my iTunes library and might just be one of my favorite tracks of the year. It finds Psalm where she is most comfortable, positioned alongside Angelenah (formerly Angel Davanport) with production coming from The O'My's and Odd Couple that drops into a very dope up-tempo, foot-moving backing. To be sure, Angel and Psalm have played off each other consistently over the last year or so, but it all comes together here as each flexes on being able to handle several jobs throughout. 

Having not had a chance to fully listen through the project yet, and not being a website who does 'one listen reviews', we're going to save something longer on this one until later. However, dig in for now, because few have endeared themselves to the game as much as Psalm and every look from this one will be much deserved.