Roman Flowrs • Englewood Get the Money EP

Chicago producer Roman Flowrs hasn't been living in Chicago for quite some time. Despite bouncing from the Windy City to Detroit to Los Angeles, where he currently resides, he seems to have never stopped making instrumentals. His newest release comes in the form of Englewood Get the $, an instrumental EP featuring five new tracks. Acting almost as a follow-up to Denise, an instrumental ode to Ms. Huxtable from The Cosby Show, Englewood Get the $ leaves right where Flowrs left off. Smooth and enjoyable, the project also flips some tracks in the form of "OG Steppers" and "OG House" renditions.

To put the five song release into his own words:

"It’s been awhile since I released anything, I found myself in this weird space musically where I didn’t want to create certain things. Certain types of music wasn’t speaking to me anymore, I wasn’t inspired by the things I conquered. Life hits you and I took a step back and fine tuned everything I wanted to showcase in the future, a different part of me sonically. Around 2013 – 2014 I felt a major shift coming in music, art and journalism, A lot of clones and not enough people shining their light as individuals setting a standard. When life throw you curve balls you shouldn’t be afraid to evolve and take risks. If you're producing an advanced product to the world, you're doing it a service. I don’t care if you're signed to major or just a kid picking up a keyboard for the 1st time: continue to write, paint, design, produce, rap, and sing. Shine your light on them seeds and watch them grow, DON’T BE AFRAID TO EVOLVE.

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