Boychoir • The Rising Night

Eight electric nocturnes for the coming winter.”
— Boychoir

I don't know much about the band Boychoir, but I'll tell you as much as I can. The Chicago-based group has ties to Cincinnati and defines their "sound" as such: "Reverb-washed guitar pop for your listening pleasure" and "homemade lo-fi indie rock." After a series of split singles, just last week, they released their debut album The Rising Night. The eight song LP is chillingly fitting for the impending Chicago cold front. 

My first full listen of this album took place bundled up in a hoodie and sweatpants in the early morning hours, before the sun, exactly when this album takes place. The album reminds me of a simpler era of music, even reminiscent on acts like Interpol and The Secret Machines, albeit a bit more pop-oriented and full of Midwestern sorrow. Like if The National drank less wine and picked up a new vice (like bathtub gin or space cakes). It'll sound even better once snow begins to fall. It already sounds great.