Netherfriends • "Another Song About Fuck Boys"

Netherfriends is a kitschy motherfucker. I mean that in the best way possible, and I'm sure he'd agree. Dude thrives off a proverbial hook, a recognizable pattern, an understood idea that levels the playing field and at once also creates a sort of endearing theme to the work he offers up. His latest hook? Fuck boys. Having already created and released an entire project on the subject, Netherfriends is back once again with a visual rendering from one of the opus tracks, "Another Song About Fuck Boys". 

Taking a page from his own book, the ever-traveling act employs a one-shot camera technique here, appropriately singing about Fuck Boys while flanked by white dudes in khaki shorts and Blackhawks jerseys and dudes in undersized button up shirts waiting in line at what appears to be Wicker Park or Gold Coast bars. You can say what you want about the man, but Netherfriends knows how to underline a sentiment. The appropriate backdrop and accompanying odd stares from those not forewarned about the shooting come together to honestly create a piece that does do a good job of letting people know exactly how Sean feels about this particular sub-section of the world. Check it out for yourself above and stay tuned for the next act in the ongoing play that is Netherfriends.