Lud Foe • "Suicide"

Directed by @lvtrkevin and @lvtrtoinne

There’s an undeniable sense of anger and urgency behind every bar delivered by Lud Foe’s in his newest single “Suicide.” Driven by anguish and sorrow, the record demands attention without the need of a hook or a recognizable ad-lib as Lud spits at a frantic pace for over four minutes about distressing experiences growing up, his recent come-up and coping mechanisms. The self-awareness he masterfully expresses through rhyme is a rare trait that particularly strikes the listener when he links the passing of his uncle Boochie to his excessive drinking and the murder of a friend to his deterioration in mental health.

“Suicide” also has an accompanying visual directed by Elevator’s Kevin & Toinne, who use blue color grading and nightmare-inducing masks to perfectly correlate its imagery with the song’s mood. The takeaway from all this? If you haven't started paying attention to Lud Foe yet, the time is now, if not yesterday. Lud Foe's "Suicide" demonstrates that for him, energy and depth aren't mutually exclusive. Expect a big summer from the West Side's rising star.