Tree • "Police Mon"

this song is a real conversation starter. after working with tye hill in the studio for a few sessions of freestyling and punch recording, i began to get back to the old tree. the one who had something to say that was relevant to us all. in that session i came up with this hook that was both socially conscious and an obvious understatement. with all thats going on with our urban communities involving the police, i thought it be only right to say how i feel. and more than that i began to have debates days before with my white friends about their take on the isue of constant killings of young black men by police officers in america and the world. truth is i do have white friends and counterparts that i both adore and value and im positive that the feeling is mutual. what i found in conversation with these white friends is yea they definetly think somethings wrong or not right and somehow unfair, they just dont know how to help or be effective.. some even ask what can i do, what can i say?? who can i talk too.. at that moment were both often presented with an uneasy silence because i dont have the answer either. but what i can and often do tell them is say something!! denounce it on your social media's and have these discussions with other like minded civil people who will do the same. so in conclusion of these experiences i was compelled to put it in song thus titled "policemon"... in this song i ask the question as we all should meaning people of color.. how do my white friends feel about the fact that im a target here in america. who do my white friends feel about the fact that after i leave a bar or restaurant with you guys how its a real fear and possibilty that i can be pulled over and shot on the side of any street in america for all the wrong reasons and the recoil and consequence in whatever measure is unwarranted un just and 99% of the time unrectified or dealt with by the police and justice department as well as congress... i also go into detail about how i know people and have been at a time or two on the other side of the law, but in a world of limited avenues and opportunities for some there is still no reason to kill shoot or maim an individual because of their surroundings and condition. if a cop chases you and you run , that doesnt give them the right to play god in the ghetto! executioner and judge of the projects is a crime . so with that here is my song... i hope you all start healthy dialogue and speak out because the community is at risk and we cant do it by marching and looting. are white friends have to speak out!! @mctreeg soultrap policemon prod by tye hill @therealtyehill artwork by anthony harris @mp3dia

"Police Mon" is my favorite Tree track in ages. The song is of an obviously important topic to the Chicago rapper, who has a long established history of speaking his mind on political issues. In fact, many would tell you that it's their favorite side of Tree. The passion is evident when he takes his music to those real places, and by the time the squealing guitars of "Police Mon" drop in, you'd have an impossible task denying the truth of Tree's words. Fans of his classic album Sunday School 2 rejoice, as this track will take you back to that landmark Chicago album from 2013 in a way that still fresh and new.  

Addressing the issue of state violence and privilege, "Police Mon" zigs where other tracks have zagged by asking white listeners to accept their responsibility, touching on the role and importance of white people in speaking up about injustice, whether it's simply educating yourself, having a conversation and changing someone's mind, joining in protest or anything else. When Tree doesn't see this, it pains him, coming off as nothing more than willfully blind. "How do my white friends feel, that I'm a target in America?", Tree wants to know. It's uneasy, but there can't be change until we all know what time it is.

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