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Tree • "Police Mon"

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"Police Mon" is my favorite Tree track in ages. The song is of an obviously important topic to the Chicago rapper, who has a long established history of speaking his mind on political issues. In fact, many would tell you that it's their favorite side of Tree. The passion is evident when he takes his music to those real places, and by the time the squealing guitars of "Police Mon" drop in, you'd have an impossible task denying the truth of Tree's words. Fans of his classic album Sunday School 2 rejoice, as this track will take you back to that landmark Chicago album from 2013 in a way that still fresh and new.  

Addressing the issue of state violence and privilege, "Police Mon" zigs where other tracks have zagged by asking white listeners to accept their responsibility, touching on the role and importance of white people in speaking up about injustice, whether it's simply educating yourself, having a conversation and changing someone's mind, joining in protest or anything else. When Tree doesn't see this, it pains him, coming off as nothing more than willfully blind. "How do my white friends feel, that I'm a target in America?", Tree wants to know. It's uneasy, but there can't be change until we all know what time it is.

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