Nico Segal Debuts New Band, The JuJu Exchange on Windy City Live

Nico Segal is seemingly never without a project. For as long as any of us can remember, dude has had at least three projects spinning in his peripheral and in the wake of a Grammy win last year, sought to reconnect with his roots for his next endeavor. Debuting on ABC's 'Windy City Live' Thursday afternoon, Segal and a cross-section of friends from high school showed the world his latest chapter: The JuJu Exchange, who performed their first single "MorningOf" live on local TV.

The performance was accompanied by news of an album dropping over the weekend, paired with a show Saturday night at Park West. It's the sort of sudden tidal wave of content and events that have come to pace the last five years or so following the larger contingent that has grown around the nationally-recognized named like Chance and co. A fully-realized jazz project from the ground up, the group's upcoming project, The Exchange seeks to set a new foundation from which fellow producers can mine for sounds and new aesthetics. Get a feel for it in the video above.