Kanye West • "Say You Will" & "When I See It"

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye. What are you up to now? Today our favorite opinionated mega star Kanye West took to Soundcloud of all places and released some unannounced and unexpected new music. Digging extremely deep I'm sure, Kanye gets in touch with his inner indie artist and drops a new version of "Say You Will" featuring renowned singer, violinist and composer Caroline Shaw, and "When I See It" a Kanye version of The Weeknd's "Tell Your Friends". 

Like the mysterious Soundcloud account that the songs spawned from (apparently Kanye has been sitting on an account for some time), the reason and story behind the release of these two records is uncertain. Perhaps related to the recent anniversary of 808s and Heartbreak, and we may even be listening to previously lost recordings made during the 808 sessions. Regardless the history, it's new Kanye and we're all going to listen, but we really just want Swish already.