MDMC • FirsTrip EP

So that was your FirsTrip?

Falling, falling, falling....rap duo Me.'s far out there project FirsTrip EP has them exploring the mind like a pinball jetting around the farthest reaches of head space. With a name like "Me.", there had to be a focus on reflection in this music (twitter @MEmeans_U, think about it). 

Aesthetically, there's a lot of spun out goodness here. The first track "First Trip" jumps in hard, providing momentum to the whole EP while keeping the flutters of weirdness intact in the corners of the song. It's on this note that Me. prepares the listener for the rest of what is a long, strange and satisfying FirsTrip. The rest of FirsTrip EP explores a variety of tones that range from psychedelic trappings, a third track that I like to hear as one of Drake's nightmares, and ending with some catchy dance music that brings to mind the moment of realization when you think to yourself  "it's way too late right now". 

None of these songs could be described as sounding similar if taken at face value, yet what we have here is a remarkably impressive and cohesive project.  If you're looking for music that isn't afraid to try something a little different, you came to the right place. But maybe that's just me; this is music open to interpretation. Just remember that you've got to listen before you make up your mind.