The Palmer Squares • "Shia Labish"

Chicago's The Palmer Squares are easily one of the most consistent acts you may just not have heard of. In a city packed with talent, it's a given that some will fly under the radar and if that's the case for your relationship with this duo, stop tweaking. The interesting thing about these guys has always been their unique ability to have a larger following outside of their hometown than in it. Regardless, the P-Squares have created a dedicated fan base, representing a part of the local scene distinctly outside of what's chic, making hip-hop music that doesn't claim to be anything else. Oh, and they dropped a new visual the other day, it's called "Shia Labish".

The latest entry into The Palmer Squares' video diaries comes as the duo heads north of the border with fellow Chicagoans and These Days' favorite Psalm One and The Rapper Chicks, who play Toronto later this week after knocking out Iowa City and my alma mater the University of Iowa this past weekend. The visual is a rendering of the group's single is an obvious nod at festival-freestyling, Even Stevens alumni Shia Labeouf and sports some really dope post effects that play into the video throughout. The last video I remember seeing from these guys had them jamming out in a balled up scrap of aluminum foil, so you know there's no lack of creativity here. From some Facebook perusing, it appears that the Squares are currently posted on a beach in St. Pete, which is much needed before a show in London, Canada, and a Chi-Town winter tight on its heels. Check out the video for "Shia Labish" now streaming up above these words.