Premiere • The A.S.A. Project: "For You"

Photo by Bryan Lamb

We've been running the premieres like crazy this week and today we return with yet another from a far west-side contingent in A.S.A Project who drop off their single "For You". The trio of Spazz (22), Reelo (21), and TurnipGawd (19) make up this collective that arrives after plugging away with fellow up and comers like SKYLR and IKON. 

Linking up with TheseDays for the first time, A.S.A. impresses on "For You" which arrives today with production coming in-house from Reelo himself. To date, the group has been fairly quiet around the city, we got alerted through close friend John Cuevas. A little digging will tell you all you really need to know, though. To date, the group has dropped two singles, each of which has caught fire on the internet to the tune of several thousand plays between them. Here, we get a very dope sound that reminds me of work that The GTW was doing a couple of years ago, with a flavor all it's own that seems to be well-suited to a crossover audience. As usual, we caught ip with the guys behind the music to get a further story, read for yourself below and keep an eye out for the A.S.A. Project and their upcoming self-titled project due out this year.

TheseDays • What is the origin story of the A.S.A. Project?

ASA Project • We are a collective known as "The A.S.A. Project"...originally we gravitated towards conventional hip hop formally know as A.S.A. with vocalists Spazz and Reelo. However, after a year invested of developing our own sound and incorporating our DJ/Producer DJ TurnipGawd and live band mates, we are now known as "The A.S.A. Project" still consisting of lead vocalists Spazz and Reelo, just this time we are coming back a lot more musically inclined...its been a long time coming but we feel good about our recent endeavor with incorporating numerous genres of music to make our own'll see what we mean once our project is out. 

TheseDays • Stylistically, is this the type of single we should normally expect from the collective?

This is a reintroduction of our sound. There is a little bit of our old sound in it, however, the new sound is definitely all over this new record. However, in terms of all the music that is about to be released by us...the best way to describe it is "you can expect a little bit of this, and a little bit of that". Truthfully, this record is like a Segway...a transition into our introduction of our "new" sound. 

TheseDays • What is your inspiration? Who are you all speaking to on these records?

As a group...honestly nothing inspires us more than real life experiences. To be honest, as song writers (Spazz and Reelo) we get our biggest motivations and inspirations from our struggles, family, friends, the struggle of our peers etc. However, there's times where we just want to have fun with it too, because honestly that is what this music stuff is all about...which would probably best describe this new record " For You". 

In terms of who we are speaking too... We are speaking to the kids who are just like us! We all go through struggles, we all experience love...for the good and bad...and we all love having know we just want every one to FEEL the music. 

TheseDays • What else can we anticipate in 2016

Honestly we are so excited about this year as "For You" is the start of a very music heavy year from can expect a lot of material SOON. This single means that our EP is right around the corner :) OH! And our project...and videos...basically expect to see us dropping stuff very consistently that's for sure! We are excited and optimistic to share this journey with everyone! Basically our mind set is...#JustDoIt2016 lol