Sicko Mobb • "Last Time"

Directed by Marquis Simmons

Sicko Mobb is once again ahead of the curve, jumping forward and making their first video from the recent Super Saiyan Vol. 3 the project’s last track, “Last Time”. The third installment of the Super Saiyan series was a more introspective look at the two rappers’ lives, and “Last Time” was one of the best examples of the project's inward-facing outlook, a reflective tune looking back at what's lead them to where they are now. “Last Time” is contemplation, and Trav and Ceno are conversing with their audience as a majorly compelling close-out to SSV3. It’s without a doubt one of their slowest tracks, but the heart matches any of their wildest turn-up drills. Expertly produced by Marley336Beatz, the production has just the right amount of presence for the track, pushing the tune forward with tinges of throwback but never overpowering the two stars, Lil Trav and Lil Ceno, who take the mic and let their thoughts out no-holds-barred. "Last Time" is Sicko Mobb demonstrating their continued growth as artists, and it won't be the last time.

Find out more about Sicko Mobb's Super Saiyan Vol. 3 and the rest of the series here.