John Walt (Ft. Scotty Brown) • "Russian Roulette"

ep coming soon?

Words by Peter Bonamici

What’s the deadliest game you can play? No. Not leaving your girl’s text message on read, it’s actually the gun-toting Russian Roulette. Our friend John Walt knows all about that with his new single named after this dangerous Russian past time featuring Scotty Brown. The instrumental sounds like a track straight off of Comfort Zone, and there's good reason for that. Saba puts the raps on hold and assists his Pivot family on production for this smooth and synthy track. Leave it to John’s signature wordplay to accentuate the sheer unpredictability of a girl, comparing her to a game that can literally kill you as a result of bad luck. Everyone likes a little crazy, but too much could be bad for your health. Apparently an EP is on the way in the future, but the vague forewarning in the song description leaves no further details. We're just happy to know there will be more Pivot Gang music on the way.