Respect The Neighbors • Kodie Shane

Hometown: Atlanta, GA • Age: 18 • Follow: Twitter // Soundcloud

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Kodie Shane is yet another strong, young voice on the rise in Atlanta. The singer and rapper has been making a serious name for herself as an extremely talented member of Lil Yachty's Sailing Team, the first to really step out into the limelight since Boat himself. Her unique ability is why she's succeeding, Yachty or no Yachty, a fully formed artist taking the music world on.

Her rise has moved quickly, but didn't come out of nowhere. From Chicago's South Suburbs, Kodie Shane comes from a music family. Her father was a backup singer for her Aunt (who performed as Cherrelle), and her sister was in a 90's group Blaque. As for Kodie herself, her journey started with taking trips to the studio at 14. The studio was run by a producer named Matty P, who saw talent and started helping her develop her sound and vibe, eventually having a hand in most of her production. Her family ended up moving to Atlanta and by 16 she had some songwriting credits for other groups. Her hit track "Sad" came out last summer, but was first written by Kodie a few years back, and was one of the songs that helped illuminate Matty P as to what Kodie Shane had going. After that, they started pursuing a solo career for Kodie Shane in a serious way.

And serious she got. She signed to Epic Records a couple years ago, and her music has done the rest since. She's put out music at an enormous rate, and at a high standard - 3 projects last year, one a couple weeks ago, all great. 2016 saw the release of Little Rocket, 2060and her Zero Gravity EP. Now in 2017, we've already received Big Trouble In Little Jupiter. Her talent is across the board, equally skilled at singing, rapping, writing lyrics and song structure, how to ride the song. Setting her apart is her vocal dexterity. She can manipulate her voice in every which way, a perfect tool for Kodie Shane's music, which is feel good and flexible. Kodie Shane is perfect for those looking for music that's wavy yet tightly wound, just well constructed tunes all around.

It definitely has vibe in common with Lil Yachty's music, but it  would be a huge mistake to think of her as a tag along. Their benefit to each other is absolutely mutual, and as time goes on that continues to be revealed. The biggest question around Yachty's career has stayed longevity, and with Kodie Shane, a gifted songwriter who has a miraculous ear for hip-hop and pop, she's helping demonstrate how they can take the Sailing Team style and sound, and make it last. She's actually playing on Friday, February 24th at Subterranean, so if you want the opportunity to see an intimate performance from an up-and-coming Atlanta artist who is making moves, now's your chance.