Nina Tech • Lady Tech The EP

Stop what you’re doing and introduce yourself to Nina Tech, if you haven’t already. To me, she’s one of the most exciting up-and-comers out of Chicago right now, presenting to fans a minimal, tweaked take on catchy street raps that just can’t get out of your head. You may think a song’s a gimme, but trust that you’ll be humming it a week later. Save yourself the time and start listening now, because Nina Tech just dropped her debut project, Lady Tech The EP. Over 4 tracks Nina Tech gives listeners a primer on what she’s about, and what they can expect from her going forward. The production from DJ KARAOKE and black legend music is bare bones, subtle and works perfectly in the context of Nina Tech’s quiet yet confident flow. If you're looking for something different, something that'll make you feel like a king or queen of the city this morning, check out Lady Tech THE EP ASAP. Peep her interview with Fader as well, for more insight into the up-and-coming artist.